Bring The Aroma And Beauty of The Tropics Into Your Very Own Home or Garden!
Plumeria (Frangipani) - aka Hawaiian Lei Tree - Live Seedling Plants
If You Already Own Plumerias, You ABSOLUTELY Love Them!
If You Don't... You ABSOLUTELY Will!
Seedlings grown from seeds of a parent plant with blooms like the parent plants pictured.
Offered for sale are three (3) healthy well-established Plumeria seedlings. The picture(s) of the flowers shown are representative of what the parent plants that these were taken from looked like. Your seedling(s) could very well resemble the parent plants, they could have some or many similarities, or they could be totally different and very unusual. You could be pleasantly surprised and develop a completely new distinct color and fragrant variation. No matter what you get, you are sure to be extremely pleased. While most of our seedlings have been carefully hand-pollinated, it is always possible that some random insect or butterfly has transmitted some unknown pollen from some other parent.
For the health and well-being of the plant(s), leaves & soil will be removed before shipping to reduce stress & damage.
Growing Plumeria from seed can be very rewarding and a lot of fun. Your plant may look exactly like the parent plants pictured, or you could discover a new rare, beautiful variety that will be your very own to name and share!!!
Growing Plumeria from seed is the only way to produce new and different cultivars. Plumeria seeds are relatively easy to germinate and will usually grow with a minimum of care. In fact, growing Plumeria from seed is the easiest and least expensive way to increase your collection. You will receive the three (3) seedlings like the samples pictured that we have grown in seed trays, 4” or 6” pots (pots are NOT included). Seedlings range from 3" to 5" tall (not including pot) and are very well established and growing. The seedlings have been grown from seed in our greenhouse. Pictures of the blooms shown are representative of the expected outcome and are not necessarily from the exact plant shown.
Plumeria is hardy in the tropical and sub-tropical areas of the world. Plumeria thrive in warm climates. They love full sun (once acclimated) and require low water making it an easy plant to care for. You can grow them anywhere provided you protect them from frost or freeze. You can simply keep it indoors in a well-lighted area during the cold months. Plumeria grows well in USDA Zone 10 or higher or in colder climates grows well indoors and make a beautiful tropical houseplant.
A very important and often overlooked fact is that when a Plumeria is grown from seed rather than being a cutting, then it is a seedling, NOT a part of the original cultivar. Even if the flowers look like the parent plant's flowers and share the same fragrance, a seedling is still a new seedling and will never have the exact DNA as the parent plant. There are still many people who will grow a seed of ‘Some Cultivar’ and sell their seedlings as being the same Cultivar. This practice is misleading and wrong! The plants need to be labeled as a Seedling of that Cultivar, not the original. A DNA genetic study would show that the seedling is different from the parent, no matter how much the flowers resemble the parent.
Package Includes:
• Plumeria Seedling(s)
• Care and Growing Instructions
Seedlings are young and fragile. Leaves and soil will be removed before shipping to reduce stress & damage on your live plants during shipping. Seedlings may be bare root with minimal soil or no soil as we feel necessary. When you receive your seedling please unpack them and plant them immediately. In order to assure their healthy well-being, their leaves and soil will not be removed until they are ready for shipment. (The plants pictured had their leaves removed in order to show how your plants will be shipped). You should make preparations for receiving the seedlings in order to start caring for your seedlings as soon as possible. They will continue to grow new leaves during the warmer months or they may remain dormant until the warmer weather returns. Care and growing instructions will be included.
Plumeria (Frangipani) Plant - 3 "WINE KING" Live Seedlings 3"-5"
We grow and offer Adenium and Plumeria seedlings from our own seeds which can be from ‘mystery mix’ colors to ‘named varieties’ where you can pick from specific colors and varieties. Either way, you will receive healthy seedlings of our latest varieties. Once you get the allure of these beauties, you’re hooked.
Adenium and Plumeria are highly sought out for their beautiful flowers and wide variety of colors and variations. They are both tropical plants that require warm to hot climates with little water.
Like most plants with a milky liquid inside, Adenium & Plumeria may be harmful to children, pets, or persons with allergies. You should research Adenium & Plumeria prior to purchasing as it is your sole responsibility.
* Seedlings/Plants will have leaves and soil removed prior to shipping in order to help avoid excessive stress and shock on your live plants.